- Nate Wessel & Steven Farber. On the Accuracy of Schedule-based GTFS for Measuring Accessibility. Journal of Transport Geography. 2019. Link.
- Mischa Young & Steven Farber. The who, why, and when of Uber and other ride-hailing trips: An examination of a large sample household travel survey. Transportation Research Part A. 2019. Link.
- JeiLan Xu. From walking buffers to active places: An activity-based approach to measure human-scale urban form. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2018. Link.
- Jeff Allen & Steven Farber. How time-use and transportation barriers limit on-campus participation of university students. Travel Behaviour and Society. 2018. Link.
- Katia Vasilyeva, Michael Widener, Samuel Galvagno, & Zachary Ginsberg. Spatial methods for evaluating critical care and trauma transport: A scoping review. Journal of Critical Care. 2018. Link.
- Michael Widener, Leia Minaker, Jessica Reid, Zachary Patterson, Tara Kamal Ahmady, & David Hammond. Activity space-based measures of the food environment and their relationships to food purchasing behaviours for young urban adults in Canada. Public Health Nutrition. 2018. Link.
- Michael Widener. Spatial Access to Food: Retiring the Food Desert Metaphor. Physiology and Behavior. 2018. Link.
- Steven Farber, Anika Mifsud, Jeff Allen, Michel Widener, Kenneth Newbold, &
- Daniel Schleith, Michael Widener, C.J. Kim, & Lin Liu. Accessing the Delineated Commuter Sheds of Various Clustering Methods. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 2018. Link.
- Nicholas Howell, Steven Farber, Michael Widener, Jeff Allen, & Gillian Booth. Association between residential self-selection and non-residential built environment exposures. Health and Place. 2018. Link.
- Nate Wessel & Steven Farber. Are Workers Attracted to Social Interaction Opportunities? A Study of Face-to-Face Contact Opportunities by Occupation and Industry. The Professional Geographer. 2018. Link.
- JieLan Xu, Is New Urbanism changing the suburban development pattern? A case study of the Toronto region. Journal of Urban Design. 2017. Link.
- Nate Wessel, Jeff Allen, Steven Farber. Constructing a Routable Retrospective Transit Timetable from a Real-time Vehicle Location Feed and GTFS. Journal of Transport Geography. 2017. Link.
- Michael Widener, Leia Minaker, Steven Farber, Jeff Allen, Brigitte Vitali, Paul Coleman, Brian Cook. How do changes in the daily food and transportation environments affect grocery store accessibility? Applied Geography. 2017. Link.
- Trudy Ledsham, Steven Farber, & Nate Wessel. Dwelling Type Matters: Untangling the Paradox of Dwelling Type and Mode Choice. Transportation Research Record. 2017. Link.
- Nate Wessel & Michael Widener, Discovering the space-time dimensions of schedule padding and delay from GTFS and real-time transit data. Journal of Geographical Systems. 2017. Link.
- Nicholas Howell, Steven Farber, Michael Widener, & Gillian Booth. Residential or activity space walkability: What drives transportation physical activity?. Journal of Transport and Health. 2017. Link.